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So You Want to Go on a Mission Trip? (Part 7)

Posted by on September 30, 2013

If I had the money, I would send everyone that wanted to go, on a missions trip. It can be such a phenomenal, life-changing experience, but it’s not the only way that someone can become involved in missions.

People tell me all the time how they’re glad that God called me to Africa – not them. I really enjoy traveling. I quickly adapt to new environments. I’m not afraid of trying new things. I have a natural bend towards a life in missions work because that’s how God wired me. But not everyone is like me and that’s totally okay. God has given each of us different gifts and we’re the most effective when we serve in the capacity God has called and enabled us to walk in.

Besides going on a missions trip, here are some other ways that you can still be involved in missions:

1) Pray for missionaries. Missionaries really appreciate your prayers and we feel them. I love hearing from people that they are praying for me. It’s a wonderful feeling to know that everything I do on the mission field is covered in prayer. I know that every need I’ve had as a missionary has been met because of the many people praying for me. The way I see it, I can’t ever have too many people praying for me!

2) Bless & encourage missionaries. I’ve learned very quickly that the biggest thing I appreciate the most as a missionary is connecting with people who are genuinely interested and excited about what I do – you are the kind of people we as missionaries LOVE to partner with!

The work we do is hard and at times can be very exhausting. The encouragement and excitement of our supporters in the States can help fuel us to press on in our work. Letters, emails, Facebook messages, cards, care packages – it’s those small, but genuine acts of love and encouragement that can bless us so much.

3) Financial Support. I supported missionaries consistently for years prior to going into the field myself. If you can’t go or don’t want to go, then send. When the basic needs of a missionary are met, it allows them to fully focus on what God has called them to do. You can also help grow their sphere of influence by contributing towards a specific focus or project they’re working on. Pray about how much God wants you to give, who to give to and how often to give. God will bless you for it. Read about how God blessed me in a big way when IĀ supported missions long ago here.

Missions is so close to my heart, and I know that missions is close to God’s heart. Go on a missions trip. Support or send a missionary. No matter how you choose to be involved in missions, you will be blessed for it.

Related Posts:
So You Want to Go on a Missions Trip? (Part 1)
So You Want to Go on a Missions Trip? (Part 2)
So You Want to Go on a Missions Trip? (Part 3)
So You Want to Go on a Missions Trip? (Part 4)
So You Want to Go on a Missions Trip? (Part 5)
So You Want to Go on a Missions Trip? (Part 6)

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