A Glorious Thin Mint
An epiphany came to me the other day: It is Girl Scout cookie season.
Random? I think not.
Timely? Absolutely.
I simply had to scroll through my Facebook news feed to confirm the validity of my revelation – a divine revelation, might I add.
Amazing to think that even continents away I just know.
I was a former Girl Scout myself, or perhaps it is just my long-time and passionate love for these cookies that has created this innate and acute sense for knowing the rare and bless-ed time of year when pig-tailed girls in badge-laden sashes sell us treasures known as Thin Mints and Samoas. God bless America.
I actually remember snacking on Girl Scout cookies (okay, maybe consuming an entire box of cookies as a “meal replacement”) in between jobs when I was raising money to come to Africa.

Samoas are the BOMB!
So, I guess you could say that Girl Scout cookies, in a way, helped me get to Africa.
Okay, maybe that’s a little far fetched, but suffice it to say, I think I’ve more than adequately expressed my eternal love for Girl Scout cookies.
If any of my dear friends and family back home in the States want to send me a box(es) of some magical Girl Scout cookies, I would be immensely blessed and eternally grateful :)