We are 10 days away from Thanksgiving and I thought I’d share about 10 things I’m thankful for – in particular, about my life so far as a missionary. I think that everyone possesses the ability to live a rich and full life, but it’s a choice. Someone being “rich” doesn’t necessarily mean being financially rich, but being aware and appreciative of every type of blessing that God brings into your life. Many of the things that make our lives truly “rich” are intangible and carry priceless meaning for us. That’s the kind of “richness” I’ve learned to be thankful for and the kind of richness I would like to share with you over the next 10 days. I hope the things I share will help bring to mind the many rich things God has also blessed you with.
For Day 1 of my 10 Days of Thankfulness, I want to say that I’m thankful that I get to be a missionary in Africa. Sounds kind of obvious and expected, I know. But I really love what I do! I’ve lived in Africa for almost 2 years now, and there have been very few mornings when I wake up in bed and my first thoughts haven’t been, “Lord, thank You that I get to wake up in Africa today. Thank You that I get to live here. Thank You for choosing me. Thank You that I get to do this. Thank You that I get to be a missionary in Africa!” Oh man, I can’t help but get a little teary-eyed even as I share this. It’s an incredibly wonderful, precious and fulfilling thing when your job is something you love to do. I am immensely thankful for that.

Sitting on my bed having happy thoughts about being a missionary in Africa. (That’s a mosquito net above my head – I’m thankful for that too!)