For Day 5 of my 10 Days of Thankfulness, I would be remiss if I did not mention my appreciation for all of my supporters. I have several churches and individuals who have supported (and continue to support me) since I became a missionary.
Thank you to everyone who has financially supported me! I supported missionaries consistently for years prior to going into the field. And now that I’m in the mission field myself, I’m grateful for everyone who has been willing to send me and invest in me. Financial support helps cover the expenses of my basic living needs, which in turn allows me to fully focus on what God has called me to do. It also helps grow my sphere of influence, such as the contributions made towards our abstinence program. Let me also take this time to thank everyone who has contributed towards my fundraising goal to purchase my own vehicle – I have currently reached 66% of my goal and I only have $1700 left to raise! (If you are interested in helping me reach my goal for my car, click here to make a donation.)
Thank you to everyone who prays for me! I love hearing that people are praying for me! I am in good health. I have never lacked since I’ve been on the field. I love what I do. I live a very full life as a missionary. I feel so blessed and I feel like God’s protection and favor is constantly surrounding me. I know I owe a part of that to everyone who is praying for me. Thank you so much for your continued prayers!
Thank you for your kind words and encouragement! I’ve learned very quickly that the biggest thing I appreciate the most as a missionary is connecting with people who are genuinely interested and excited about what I do – you are the kind of people we as missionaries LOVE to partner with! The encouragement and excitement of our supporters can help fuel us to press on in our work. Letters, emails, Facebook messages, cards, care packages – it’s those small, but genuine and thoughtful acts of love and encouragement that can bless us so much. I am especially grateful for all the new churches and pastors I met last year during my visit to the States, who knew nothing about me, but who made the time to get to know me and my heart for missions. Thank you for your time and your willingness to meet with me and invest in me.
I couldn’t do what I love to do without your support. THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!!!

Handmade “Thank you” cards I’m preparing to send out to my supporters