“It is more blessed (makes one happier and more to be envied) to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35b, AMPC)
This month I celebrated my six year anniversary of having moved to Botswana. God has blessed my life with so much happiness since I made the choice to give of my life and serve here.
This journal entry from my first month in Botswana expresses so well just how happy living a life of giving has made me:
August 13, 2012
It’s been quite sometime since I’ve felt this happy. I’ve walked through many different types of seasons over the years as I’ve entered adulthood, and this season seems like a time to laugh, a time to smile, a time to learn and grow, a time of abundance, and a time for greatness. I look forward to each day, no matter how mundane. Everything isn’t perfect by any means, but it feels perfect in the sense that I’m content to know that I am in God’s perfect will. I’m grateful. I don’t deserve to feel like this, but I do. I feel full. My life feels full. I feel so fortunate – so blessed – for this special season of my life. I don’t want to take it for granted. I want to have the right attitude. I appreciate this time. I want to drink it all in. I don’t want to miss anything.

One of my favorite photos I’ve taken in Botswana – when my youth threw me a surprise party for my 33rd birthday. I am still this happy about being a missionary in Botswana!